
Friday, December 30, 2011

".تو کافی خاموش رہنے لگ گیا ہے" 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


آج دیکھ لینے دے دنیا کو ہمارا تماشا 
کے زندگی کا حاصل کچھ نظر نہیں آتا

کمبخت لے ڈوبے جذبات ہمیں ہمارے 
کے دانشمند کسی کے گھربے وجہ نہیں آتا 

صبر و شکر کی تعلیم دیا کرتے تھے زمانے کو 
اب تو تحمل و عاجزی کو پہچانا مشکل ہے 

سکرات و اقبال کو پڑھ سمجھ لیا ہم نے 
رومی و باللہ کا عشق سکھانا مشکل ہے 

خواب دیکھے بھی تو ایسے کے فلک کو سلام کریں 
منزل تو چھوڑیے، اک قدم اٹھانا مشکل ہے 

مینے دیکھے ہیں بہار، خزاں، گرم و سرد 
بناتا گیا تو کبھی بگاڑتا گیا ہر فرد مجھکو 

گمشدہ نہ ہو جائے میری آس، میری پیاس 
کوئی قطراے فردوس پلا دے مجھکو 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

اتنا نہ یاد آیا کرو کے رات بھر سو نہ سکیں  
صبح کو سرخ آنکھوں کا سبب پوچھتے ہیں لوگ 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Believer, A Drinker & A Lover

The following is a conversation between a believer, a drinker and a lover. All three are extremely devoted in their cause, beyond normal necessities. The believer is so lost in God, that he finds God in everything. The drinker is in a state of constant intoxication, he cannot even survive a moment without it. The lover has drowned  himself in the ocean of love, never to be rescued again.

Lover: Logic? Rationality? Wisdom? Knowledge? Philosophy? I am oblivious to these things. Mr. Believer, you are in conversation with the wrong person. Mr. Drinker, kindly close the books whose chapters I shall never read. If the topic is my beloved, only then I shall converse. 

The Drinker pours some wine in two crystal glasses other than his. The Believer is awe- struck, the lover is uninterested. 

مینو یار دی نماز پڑھ لین دے 
شرابی گل فیردس لاییں، فیر دس لاییں 

In his thoughts, the believer sees himself in the Ka`aba. Sitting in front, his eyes wide open, his heart...light as an atom. The worries, the questions, the judgments, the anxieties... no where to be found. He leans on the floor, as though one might have fainted during a Sajda. The drinker offers the wine, the Believer denies. 

As he takes the first sip, the heat of the alcohol rushes down his throat. He feels it in his soul not in his body. 

Drinker to Lover: Respect. Over-rated. What respect do these people give us? Infamous. The moralists degrade us as filth of their society. Sinners, they call us. Hypocrites, all of them. 

The lover raises his fist: My beloved is the reason, the jar of love is pouring in me. The world is nothing more than mirage for me, its because of love I have any respect in it. 

 شرابی گل فیردس لاییں، فیر دس لاییں 
The Believer looks above, astonished by the moon. How it obeys its Master day in night out. The drinker looks on as the light of the moon reflects against his glass of wine. The lover mentions: What are you two astonished on? The shariah knows what it demands, the liquor knows to encircle soberness, and love? Love just knows the beloved. 

 شرابی گل فیردس لاییں، فیر دس لاییں 
Believer: Destiny...everything all written up there. 
Drinker: I make my own destiny. 
Lover: The one who fights with destiny, is the one who finds company with the beloved. 

Believer: I have to fight the injustice in this world. I have taken oath of allegiance to the deen.
Drinker: Only fire can fight fire. Fight until it all fades away. Intoxication, we are all under its spell. 
Lover: The court of love has ordered me to be hanged till death. How do you expect me to fight?

A person crosses the three and looks at them with judgmental eyes. The three remain indifferent, the man mentions, "Maulana, have you lost it? This is what religion tells you? Instead of scolding them you are joining them?"

The Believer smiles and shakes his head. "Peace be with you, Only God can judge us. Come as you are. Whoever, atheist, believer, lover, drunkard... here we don't judge, here we only love". 

Lover: "Love itself is intelligence. What will the world teach it? Shariah itself is love. Truth, nothing less mentioned". 

Another round is demanded by the drinker. The attendant opens another bottle. The smell of fresh alcohol entices the drinker. As the attendant pours in the 'fountain'... he inquires, "Don't you ever get enough? It has to end somewhere". 

The lover replies: "Once your sacred heart is given to the beloved, the heart doesn't eliminate love. Once you have bowed on the doorstep of the beloved, you do not lift your head up". 

Lover: I have only one heart.
Drinker: I have only one life.
Believer:  I have only one faith.
When there is only one God, one Prophet, one Quran...
Lover: Then you do not make another beloved. 

The night only gets younger as a breeze joins the gathering...

The lover looks the other side. As if suddenly, something came to his mind. The drinker, "Rejoice, my friend. Your love story should be known to the world". To this the lover replies, "Runaway... runaway from the battlefield of love. But never shall I disclose the secret of my  beloved". To this the drinker lifts his glass.

The Believer takes out his Tasbeeh and is lost again in Zikr. The Most Just. The Most Patient. The Most Kind. The Most Powerful. A vicious cycle. The other two listen while the Remembrance goes on. 

The Lover is evidently disturbed due to some reason. The Believer has the company of his beloved, God. The drinker has the company of his beloved, alcohol. The Lover, on the contrary is alone. 

Lover: "Let me go...let me go to her. Let me go to my beautiful beloved. Sell out my heart, sell out my soul if you want. I am obsessed, or am I possessed, you keep the roles and responsibilities, Believer... let me go to her. Consequences? What consequences? Lovers are unaware of such things. They win the bets of love, the ones who have known the status of failure. Quietly, they shall seal their lips, they shall live with the support of their beloved, they shall drink the cups of poison, the ones who have known the status of love." 

Drinker: Deep. Deep as intoxication in a bottle". 

Believer: Time for my prayers.

As the Believer departs... the lover finishes the conversation...

سانو عشق دی نماز والوں موڑ نہ 
بُت پوجنے دی ریت ساڈی ٹور نہ 

آویں ہور کسی راہ سنو پاویں نہ 
آپ پھسیاں تے سانو وی پھسا ویں نہ 

The drops of alcohol strike the floor as the glass releases from the hands of The Drinker. 

The image of the beloved finally comes in front of The Lover. Reality or fiction, it doesn't matter. 

بے کے سامنے نظارہ سانو لین دے 
شرابی گل فائر دس لاییں

Monday, December 5, 2011

ہم سے روشن ہے چاند اور تارے 
ہم کو دامن سمجھئیے گیرت کا 
اٹھ گئے ہم اگر زمانے سے 
نام مٹ جاےگامحبّت  کا 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

جگ ہے نشانہ عشق دا
گھر گھر فسانہ عشق دا 
منزل ہے گہری عشق دی 
وکھری کچہری عشق دی 
جنگل دے ڈیرے عشق دے 
ارشاں تے پھیرے عشق دے 
مندا رضا مطلوب دی 
سندہ ے گل محبوب دی 
کردہ کسی دا خک نئی
رکھدا عقل نال گیر اے
کتیاں دے چمدہ پیر اے 
چمڑا لوھایا عشق نے 
بلا نچایا عشق نے 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

بیخودی میں صنم
اٹھ گئے جو قدم
آ گئے ، آ گئے 
آ گئے پاس ہم 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ہمراز ہو، ہم خیال ہو، تو ہمنظر  بنو 
طے ہوگا زندگی کا سفر، ہمسفر بنو 
پیار میرا کر ربّا میرے حوالے 
یار بنا دل میرا کون سمبھالے 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"However far away
I will always love you

However long I stay
I will always love you

Whatever words I say
I will always love you". 

Monday, October 31, 2011

آج میں تجھسے دور سہی اور تو مجھسے انجان سہی 
تیرا ساتھ نہیں پاؤں تو خیر تیرا ارمان سہی 
یہ ارمان ہے شور نہیں ہو خاموشی کے میلے ہوں 
اس دنیا میں کوئی نہیں ہو ہم دونو ہی اکیلے ہوں 
تیرے سپنے دیکھ رہا ہو اور میرا اب کام ہے کیا ...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sanson Ki Mala Pe

The following material is based on the qawalli 'Sanson Ki Mala Pe' by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. The poetry written in Urdu are the words spoken by the great Khan Saheb, what follows is the interpretation, reasoning and influence entirely in terms of love.


آ پیا ان نینن میں 
میں پلک ڈھامپ توہے لوں 
نہ میں دکھوں گیرکو 
نہ میں تو ہے دیکھان دوں 

All love begins from a feeling. You know you are in love when you truly feel something for someone. You can live with that feeling. But there comes a time when a lover wants more than that. Just like a difference between a need and a want. You need your beloved, but you want love in return. Similarly, you want to see your beloved. When you see your beloved, you want to possess your beloved. Moses, is God's most mentioned Prophet in the Quran. Moses loved God so much that he couldn't live with the feeling of not seeing His beloved. Love erases all others. The qualities you see in your beloved, make no difference to you when you see others who have it. They call it blindness, I call it sincerity. Sincerity, is a huge value. Right up there with loyalty. It is highly valuable at the same time priceless. Its a give and take, if not given in return, love seizes to exist. 


کاجل ڈالوں کرکرا 
سرما دیا نہ جائے
جن نینن میں پیا بسے
بھلا دوجا کون سماے؟

In his book, 'The Rules of Life', Richard Templar emphasizes 'Dress like today is important. People will react differently to you if you dress as if it matters'. Although it is a lost art, personal grooming is one of the most important things in life. Ne-Yo once said, 'There was a time when people didn't leave their houses until they looked their best'. When one is love, one either appreciates this or loses it all. Loses it because the beloved has ignored the lover and appreciates it because the lover wants to become the apple of the beloved's eye. In other words, آنکھوں کی ٹھنڈک. 


نیل گگن سے بھی پرے
سیان جی کا گاؤں 
درشن جل کی کامنہ 
پتھ رکھیو ہے رام 

They say love is a feeling that knows no distance. They are damn right. Meta-physics, finally I know what you are. How can you be without someone and be with them at the same time? How can you be so distant and be so near at the same time? Love. God is up there above the seven heavens, we down here on earth. How can He be way up there and inside us at the same time? Love. How can you be in the west, and still be inside me in the east at the same time? Love. 

اب قسمت کے ہاتھ ہے اس بندھن کی لاج 
مہینے تو من لکھ دیا ساوریہ کے نام
جانے کون سے بھیس میں
 ساوریہ مل جائے
جھک جھک کر سنسار میں
 سب کو کروں سلام 

Like all relationships, His Royal Highness, 'Love' is very complex and sensitive. Anyone can fall in love, and the question is, does everyone know 'How to love'? My philosophy in life has always been, 'Do your best and leave to God the rest'. The great debate between: "Our destiny has already been written" and "We write our own destiny" will never end. I believe God opens doors, its on us if we enter or not. Sometimes, under the influence of love, one raises standards so high that the lover starts to expect the same qualities of the beloved from others. The lover shall never find it, because what the lover doesn't understand is that its not the qualities, its the beloved itself. 

وہ چاتر ہے کامنی وہ ہے سندر نار 
جس پگلی نے کر لیا ساجن کا من رام
جب سے رادھا شام کے نین ہوے ہیں چار 
شام بنے ہیں رادھیکا رادھا بن گی شام 

Men and women are equal.They are both strong. Where men are, physically. Woman are emotionally. We both have our weaknesses too. A woman cannot survive without love. Even the most capitalist kind, need it. Again comes the issue of 'how to love'. Majority of women don't, even though they are in it. They spend their whole life thinking, 'why me?'. The ones that do know the 'procedure' have truly led a life worth living. Love is the process of losing oneself, emptying oneself, to achieve the beloved by filling oneself with the beloved. You cannot define this in words, it would be an insult if tried. 

.....سانسوں کی .... 
سانسوں کی مالا پے 
سمرو میں پی کا نام 
اپنے من کی میں جانوں 
اور پی کے من کی رام 

یہی میری بندگی ہے 
یہی میری پوجا ہے 

Love is worship and worship is love. Devotion is submission and submission is devotion. 

اک کا ساجن مندر میں
اک کا پریتم مسجد میں 
....پر میں

Those who think 'Love' is child's play have nothing more than child's mentality. Love can be extremely satisfying and it can be extremely barbaric both at the same time. Love has vastness. Love is extreme. No one worth loving is you take them for granted. The world is famous for categorizing each other. Most of the historic fictional love stories always categorized the lover and the beloved in 'rich and poor', 'hindu and muslim', 'black or white', etc etc. How beautiful God is. Adam and Eve, perfect for each other. No race, class, color, or religious difference. Separated when arrived on earth. Muhammad and Khadija, the former a trade agent and the latter an elite-class businesswoman, but had nothing but love for each other. Separated only by society's 'class difference'. What normal minds don't understand is that it's this separation that forces and beings the lover and the beloved to each other. 

12:20 -14:53

Khan Saheb interprets by himself...


Listen... and tell me you don't feel love inside you...


..... 18:00

...Listen and tell me you don't feel me inside you...


Listen... and tell me you don't breath a life for me...


Listen..and let all yourself loose all control...


پریم کے رنگ میں ایسی ڈوبی
بن گیا ایک ہی روپ 
پریم کی مالا جپتے جپتے 
آپ بنی میں شام

Love is like quick-sand. With quicksand, the more you struggle in it the faster you will sink. If you just relax, your body will float in it because your body is less dense than the quicksand. Love takes you places you would never imagine yourself in. Love is when you stop thinking about yourself, and are only concerned about those of the beloved. A devout Muslim uses a تسبی، praising God continuously. A lover, under devotion is constantly calling for the beloved to eventually become the beloved itself. 


پریتم کا کچھ دوش نہیں ہے
وہ تو ہے نردوش
اپنے اپ سے باتیں کر کے 
ہو گی میں بدنام  

You can tell a person is in love, when no matter how much you criticize the beloved, the lover will see all past that. 'You can do no wrong, in my eyes'; is what the lover says. Innocent until proven guilty? Its innocent until my last breath for a lover. Last year, on a visit of Kuwait, after the Jummah prayers I decided to sit for a while. In that huge hall which could place around two to three hundred worshipers, were hardly 20 at that time. What I saw surprised me. People are fascinated when they see something unusual, its human nature. I saw a man talking to himself. I observed him for around 5-10 minutes. Generally, people would find this kind of behavior weird, awkward and even mentally challenging. I, on the other hand, had other thoughts.  This man was talking to God. I`m not saying he was a highly pious man or had the ability to hear God. He was simply 'talking' to him. Simply having a conversation. He was indifferent to what others might be thinking about this. Lost in love. That was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw in my life. That was love, I witnessed.  


پریم پیالہ جب سے پیا ہے
جی ہے یہ حال 
انگاروں پی نیند آ جائے 
کانٹوں پے آرام 

Love is pure. It is what Abraham felt for God. He lost all, and gained everything. I can't imagine how he never ever thought of putting himself before his beloved. Sincere, honest, responsible, devoted, submitted...walked bare foot on fire without any hesitation, for what? Love. Nothing else. When one is in love, there is no right or wrong, there is no pleasure or pain. There is only love. 


جیون کا سنگھار ہے پریتم
مانگ کا ہے سندور
پریتم کی نظروں سے گر کر
جینا ہے کس کام؟

Life is not life, if there is no love. Love is not love, if there is no beloved. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

"You, sovereign queen of my heart, Regina, hidden in the deepest secrecy of my breast, in the fullness of my life-idea, there where it is just as far to heaven as to hell—unknown divinity! O, can I really believe the poets when they say that the first time one sees the beloved object he thinks he has seen her long before, that love like all knowledge is recollection, that love in the single individual also has its prophecies, its types, its myths, its Old Testament. Everywhere, in the face of every girl, I see features of your beauty, but I think I would have to possess the beauty of all the girls in the world to extract your beauty, that I would have to sail around the world to find the portion of the world I want and toward which the deepest secret of my self polarically points—and in the next moment you are so close to me, so present, so overwhelmingly filling my spirit that I am transfigured to myself and feel that here it is good to be. You blind god of erotic love! You who see in secret, will you disclose it to me? Will I find what I am seeking here in this world, will I experience the conclusion of all my life's eccentric premises, will I fold you in my arms, or: Do the Orders say: March on? Have you gone on ahead, you, my longing, transfigured do you beckon to me from another world? O, I will throw everything away in order to become light enough to follow you." -Soren Kierkegaard.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"یہ جو ہم ایک دوسرے کے لئے محسوس کرتے ہیں... یہ کیا ہے ... 

بیان نہیں کر سکتے ...صرف محسوس کر سکتے ہیں "

Thursday, October 20, 2011

دوڑرہا ہے ساتھ لہو کے پیار تیرا نس نس میں ...

Life & Times of S. Bukhari

"Life is a stage. And we're all actors". -Shakespeare. 
The Englishman was a genius. I guess Einstein wasn't the only one who knew me. Everyday, every meeting, situation, experience...I learn something new. Seems like a scene from a movie, where the camera is always rolling. The title is, 'Life & Times of S. Bukhari'. Its a co-direction. God and myself. I`m the lead actor. My life, correction: my movie is full of drama, comedy, suspense, romance, music, thrill, excitement and a whole lotta mystery. I've always considered a good movie, one that keeps the audience guessing, 'what's coming next?'. And damn, with me...that never stops. 

Within 2 months, this particular flesh and bones will be 24 years old. The question is still the same. 'What the hell is going on?'. Don't get me wrong. I`m not confused. I have an idea of how the world works. I thought I had an idea how I work. But believe you me, neither the world nor myself know who and what Suhail Bukhari is. I try to think and understand the world, I cant even crack my own code. 

Everything that happens in life, every interaction...maybe with someone you even don't know, is meaningful. You might not get it straight away. You might even forget about it. But it happened for a reason. There is no coincidence in life. There's always a reason. 

God is everything. Don't take me literally, take me metaphorically. When I think about myself religiously... I`m like a guy with one foot in one boat and the other foot in another. 
نہ خدا ہی ملا نہ وصال صنم 
نہ ادھر کے رہے نہ ادھر کے رہے 
We say all the time how we should fear God and be afraid of him. And there are extreme consequences to our mistakes. Did we ever think about loving him? Did we ever think how of all our short-comings, he still takes great care of us? Nah. We're stuck in a weird mentality. God is above all that. God is love. God is pure. God is patience. God is light. God is peace. God is everything. 

I remember this verse, it went like "Whatever good happens to you, is because of Me. And whatever bad happens to you is because of your own-self". سبحان الله . The ocean of knowledge. I can't get it out of my mind. But then again, talking about God doesn't guarantee you heaven. Intentions do. Actions do. A clap doesn't happen with one hand. 

There are very few people in this world that can truly understand you. You feel at ease with them. You share something that can't be described in words. When you talk to them, you feel... worth living. When you are not with them... you feel some sort of an uneasiness, again beyond words. I don't know...I have this feeling that you are coming back... to me..for me. I can feel your presence. 

خود کو میں ہار گیا تم کو... تم کو میں جیتا ہوں

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

گیر فرمابردار

I don't know what you take me as, or understand the intelligence that Bukhari has. I`m from rags to riches, nigga I ain't dumb. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one. Hit me!
Pour me another one of em artificially flavored mango juices. Ooo, I just got the shivers. Reason? The cold breeze of autumn. Call me گیر  فرمابردار ، my mums been telling me to wear a shirt for a year now. I`m a man of principles. One of them, is to be as comfortable at home as one can be. One of them, is to not wear a shirt at home. I know it sounds less of a principle than my stubbornness. But hey, a man can't function if he's not comfortable. How come Pine Nuts cost PKR 1622 per kilo? They used to be my favorite dry-fruit during childhood. Then I found peanuts. Maybe because peanuts are more accessible, economical, satisfying. Pine Nuts... rare, expensive... never fully satisfies you, always leaves you wanting for more. Comparisons; always interesting. Oh damn, I hate it when I take the effort of peeling off the cover, just so the inside can fall away. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all senses of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end". 

Saturday, October 8, 2011


The following material is inspired by 'my thoughts and Aur Ho' / Rockstar OST

One of the most uneasy situations, feelings, thoughts, anxieties, moments... of life. Helplessness; is when you make your moves and there is nothing you can do about it. Power is just a step away. Power is when after making your moves, you let it go, but it still falls in the palm of your hand. Is when you have things under your control. 

Helplessness has everything to do with time. It slows down. You look around. The clocks ticking, the seconds go by, but you're still in the same moment. There's nothing you can do about it.

You want it, you crave it, subconsciously; you even need it. You love it, you loath it, you desire it, you lust it. The feeling is so badly desired, you want to be destroyed in it. You're willing to lose everything you ever earned, just to spend a moment of fulfilled satisfaction. 

What I want, I know not. 

Every single one of us, what he want, we know not. We think we do.

Snatch it or let it go? In this moment, what might I just do....

This very moment is the most important. My achievements, my loved ones, my regrets, my miseries, my morals, my sins, my clothes, my health, my assets, my senses.... in this moment, right now...nothing matters. What matters right now, is this moment; and what I do in it.

Everything comes down to 'peacefulness'/ سکون . Whether you're a moralist, or a killer, a religious scholar or a capitalist sinner. We all do it for سکون . We all deny it, but we all want it...furthermore we all need it. All of our efforts are focused on the achievement of some sort of  سکون . Different paths, same destination. Different drugs, same diagnose. Workaholics; addicts. Moralists; addicts. Politicians; addicts. Lovers; addicts. We are all addicted. All we want is that...state of ecstasy...that  سکون . Just because junkies are impatient doesn't mean they're alone. 

The more you breathe, the more intoxicated you become. 
The more our souls meet, the more I burn.

I meet you the first time; every time. This is my helplessness. 

When you are unable to plan conversations. When you're uncertain. When you're hating and loving it at the same time. When you put all of yourself at one side and all of yourself within you at the same time. When you are a child and a father-figure at the same time. 

It all starts from within. Within the heart. Within the mind, and within the soul. Nobody can make you feel anything, unless you want them to. No one is in your way, but you. 

When you desire, the desired object in your mind is constant. Its all you can think about. You want it. It is this moment when your morality comes into question. The difference between right and wrong is questioned. Right now all you think about is its achievement. By any means necessary. 

Should you snatch it? 

The desired object is being kept from you. Either by those who possess it, or the object itself. The solution is taking it by force. Will you finally have  سکون ?. Here all that matters is ownership. The consequences do not matter. They never have.

Should you leave it?

Should you let it go? Will you be able to live without it? You know its bad for you, you know its not easy to have. But still... can you live with feeling of not having it in your life? Will you be able to have any  سکون  without it? Will you be able to replace it with something else? I don't think so.

Should you ask for it? 

Will it be given? Was it ever so easy? Are you sure this is how you wanted it? To ask for it or to earn it? 

Should you tear it?

Should you destroy it for making you're day and nights miserable? Should you be a killer of you're own salvation? Would it provide  سکون or a living hell. Not the proper questions.

Again, its what I do in this moment. So that I get some  سکون .

Just because you're modest doesn't mean you cant have wishes. Dreams, necessary to survive. What keeps us going. But there comes a time in your life, you start to this what I really want? Maybe you might justify yourself, yes, this is what I want. But the things that kept you going...the support...its not there anymore. What do you do now? You miss it, but you need to get to other side of the river.... I`m no motivational speaker... you decide.

Helplessness, right here, feeling it, living it. Nothing seems to control it, it wont stop by itself. Harsh breezes seem to send a message. Why wait for nature, its right here in my breathe. You cant know, where what burns. There's a bit of fear in all of us, in our mentality and physicality. The wish wont stop to bother me, seems to igniting more and more. The smoke from my breath seem to make more and more complex patterns... This is my helplessness.

This... is... my...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Thoughts are creeping in, and it ain't a good idea to ignore them. They might just have a thing significant to say. I`m outta smokes. I`m having milk-tea. I`m listening to Techno-Bulleh Shah. Before somebody else does it, let me do the honors; call me a self-hating Syed, because I am one. 
Thank you, God. For educating me that it's not the name that defines a person. Its the person that defines a name. The names:
  • Muhammad 
  • Ali
  • Alexander
  • Napoleon
  • Iqbal
.....have no significance in themselves. It's what these men have done is the reason that made the ultimate difference. If it was the other way around, we would have lived in a whole difference world altogether. 

These are the ingredients, characteristics, defining factors and universal values that no one can challenge. 
Caution: Don't even challenge them, you`ll just reveal your'e hypocrisy. 

حق الله 
God is the ultimate judge. God is justice, itself. The ground rules have been laid down. But hey, you're a rebel... "rules are meant to be broken", right? Suit yourself.

The ultimate feeling. There is no other feeling that even comes close the mighty King crowned the title, Love. Every other emotion takes birth out of it. Do as much scientific research as you want...come up with as big a rational argument as you want...raise any philosophical theories as you wish.....
میں کے دیتا ، جو میں کہنا سی 
My writing is based on the combination of my thoughts, my values and my experiences. 
  • I learn about life everyday.
  • I learn about humans everyday.
  • I learn about love everyday.
  • I learn about myself everyday.
The process shall stop the moment I take my last breath. I state it now, it wont be complete. Not everyone lives life, completely. 

Do you know what a genius is? Who is firm in his opinion; which is true, pure and on the right side. The one who looks at the bigger picture. I know this time will never come again. Evolution will take its course. But to be have a soul in this be able to write these words right now... I cannot be more grateful. When I see humans, and how creative they are, some how they find their way out...make life worth living...makes me realize how inter-dependent we are on each other. 

Even when Adam was in love with God, he still had someone to talk to... to listen to.... to love to. Just imagine being in their place, the world they lived in. God, angels, heaven, spouse... damn. All it takes is a forbidden apple....

Friday, September 9, 2011

کیسا لگتا ہے...جب

کیسا لگتا ہے...جب زندگی ایک نیۓ موڑ کی طرف چل اٹھتی  ہے. ہاں ہر دن ایک نیا آفتاب عروج ہوتا ہے. ہرشام ایک الگ احساس جنم لیتا ہے . ہر رات ایک نیا خیال آتا ہے. بات یہ ہے، بخاری صاحب کے زندگی میں سب کچھ آپکے ہاتھ میں نہیں ہوتا . پر جو چیزیں آپکے ہاتھ میں ہیں، کم از کم ان چیزوں کو تو بہتر کیا جائے. 

کیسا لگتا ہے جب لگاتار ٢ دفع ٣٠ گھنٹے جگا جائے. جس شخص کی کمزوری ہی نیند ہو اسے آنکھیں بند کرنا ہی بھول گیا ہو. بس یاد بس یاد رہی ہوں تو باتیں... گہری باتیں...سچی باتیں... جذبات سے بھری ہوئی باتیں.. جن کا موضوع اور کوئی نہیں...پر سہیل بخاری ہو..

کیسا لگتا ہے...جب انجان لوگ...جن سے اپکا تعلق تک نہ ہو..آپکو اس طریقے سے ملیں جیسے کے وہ آپکے احسان مند ہوں... ایسا بھی کیا کیا ہے ہم نے؟ ..ایسے تجربات جب میرے ساتھ ہوتے ہیں تو مجھے شاہ جی کا فلسفہ یاد آ جاتا ہے..کے نفرت کو اپنی سوچ سے پاک کر دے.. اور.دل صاف رکھ....انکے کہنے کا صرف ایک ہی مقصد تھا ...کے ہم پہلے انسان ہیں..پھر ہندی یا مسلمان ہیں..پھر کالے یا گورے ہیں..پھر سید یا چوڑے ہیں.. پھر متی ہیں یا راکھ ہیں..

جدے وچ پنکھوادےباج کج ہور نہ روے
پیارایسا آنگنا ہے 
جدے وچ وصلاںدا
رترا نہ پلٌّ ڈوے

کیسا لگتا ہے...جب رشتے مزید سنجیدہ حالات سے دو چار ہوتے ہیں...جب گلت فہمیاں دوریوں کو انجام دیتی ہیں...کبھی کبھی انسان کی انا  اسے اپنوں سے دور کر دیتی ہے. اس کا اثر اس پر خود بھی پڑتا ہے..پر وہ مانتا نہیں...

کچھ لوگوں کی شناخت انکے حسن سے ہوتی ہے...کچھ لوگوں کی انکی باتوں سے.. کچھ لوگوں کی انکی حرکتوں سے..کچھ لوگوں کی انکی عادتوں سے... اور کچھ لوگوں کی انکی یادوں سے....

- بخاری 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How do you think
I`ve lost so much
I`m so afraid
and I`m out of touch
How do you expect 
I will know what to do
When all I know
Is what you tell me to

Don't you know
I can't tell you
How to make it go
No matter what I do
How hard I try
I can seem to 
Convince myself
I`m stuck on the outside

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Honest Paragraphs

Sharing a few laughs...Arabic music to my ears... a light yet reasonable breeze on a Monday evening in Islamabad... Cigarettes and 'special tea' complimented with water on the table; simplicity has no other definition. 

This music takes me to some other place. Its nostalgic yet inspiring, its like I haven't missed anything in life. Its like I`m the same 18 year old roaming around the streets of Kuwait in the summer of '06.

Oh yes, I don't wanna go nowhere. I wanna be the same Suhail, forever. Regardless of any category people put me in. I`m not here to win a popularity contest. I`m just here to live my life.

Elissa's voice is exactly what you wanna here every morning before you wake up, coming from your wife. Damn, elegance would never find a bigger fan than me. 

  • Oh, take me to the streets of Cairo.
  • Order some tea for me in Istanbul.
  • Take a walk with me in Beirut.
Some cultures leave a mark on you forever. 

It starts with different sounds, eventually a melody works it's way and sets the mood for achieve the perfect union... Initially a few things are said...that rhyme so beautifully and then set the stage for the high notes...words said with emphasis... Melody comes back declare it's importance... when that is understood, the final words are said twice or more... and then... its done.

People under-estimate and even under-rate the power of eyes. One of the most beautiful parts of the human body. It has the ability to lead astray... to gain attention... to draw a line.... or provide affirmation. 

Nothing can stop me right now....I`m just in the mood...this is how I recreate; a pen in one hand, a cigarette in another... a coffee on the table... a dream in my heart.

Take a sip of life...don't fight it...let it intoxicate...There are things one does not understand in life... yet they sound so beautiful... Inspiration; sometimes comes from the least places you expect. 

Why is it that I am so confident that I`m going to live the life I always want to... Why am I so content with life... Questions that have no answers; neither quantitative nor qualitative. Explanations? Talk is cheap.

The page has been turned once again. Life is only beautiful, when you are. Don't get me only are...who you really are. Enigmatic? Your'e just lost in translation.

The finest things in life aren't worth it...if they are not being valued. Value them... n you`ll see life in a different way...everyday.

Love & Soul go hand in hand... Not literally; metaphorically. Take a step back to reflect, you`ll be surprised with the results. We all need a break once in a while, make it worth while.

ٹیڈ رج گیا پر اکھاں نی رجیاں... ہاے پنجابی 
.what an intimate language
Slow down the melody, let the words do the magic. Increase the tempo again, let them make love...the child will be oh so perfect. Don't stop making love to it...the ultimate satisfaction is in persistence.
Nuff said.