
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Saying...

Lads like us, tend to become moody over time. There was a time when nothing used to make a difference, now even the slightest remark seems to influence the next 5 minutes. 

"What kind of woman do you want?" 

Anything between Elissa and Nigella Lawson... 

Those who know who I`m talking about will say, 'that's too much to ask, Bukhari'. Those who don't, 'who the fuck are they?'. 

Did I forget to mention '...and a blend of the sophistication of Elizabeth Taylor with the playfulness of Saira Bano'? 

"Look at yourself, you ain't a Prince Charming yourself, mate". 

My reply? "I`m not perfect, but I`m better than all your other options". 

Oh, there's that ego again.

There's that labelling again. 

They say I`m healthier, some say I got a tummy. I politely deny and blame the double sweater. 

I`m a typical Pakistani when it comes to intoxicants. The most common? Tea, I`m definitely addicted. 

Another sleepless night again? Ah God, whenever I go back to 226 D/1, all of my past 5 years flash right in front of me. Damn, that time didn't feel like anything, but compared to now...feels like I did a lot. Every time I go back to Iqra, I feel like either I`m stepping in the university premises for the first or the last time. Which ironically is not the case. 

Before I used to have very different dreams. But now I`m having recurring dreams, a bit too much. The three most common are... Kuwait, family and a woman. Amazing how I try not to think about it, but most of my nights...are dedicated to them. 

I used to silently not give a damn about people who would tell me about 'having nightmares', but nightmares have started knocking at my door now. Personally, I`m enjoying the haunting. Its fun to be starring in a unscripted horror movie yourself, sometimes. 

In the world, you`ll see people who are what they want. An aura which exhibits a possession of uncontrollable confidence and power. It seems like they know what they want and how they`ll get it. But personally, I think deep down inside they would even doubt themselves sometimes. They just don't show it. They can't afford to show it. Being doubted is one thing, doubting yourself is another. 

Sincerity, chivalry, loyalty, manners... do people even give a shit about these things any more or have they taken capitalism literally? We all have flaws, I`m an understanding fella anyway. But what I don't allow in conversation are two things: stupidity and vulgarity. Takes all respect away from that person's existence. 

What the hell am I talking about? 


  1. wow you have a personal blog site "Bukhari", man I like your retrospect and it is somewhat related.

  2. "I`m an understanding fella anyway. But what I don't allow in conversation are two things: stupidity and vulgarity. Takes all respect away from that person's existence." my favorite part so far. one needs a deeper understanding of the inner self to comprehend your writing. Nicely done Mr Bukhari.

  3. "Sincerity, chivalry, loyalty, manners... do people even give a shit about these things any more or have they taken capitalism literally?" I think this and the one Abdul Qadir posted are nice ones.
    Sometimes, the zaniest ideas takes one's dreams or aspirations to stratospheric heights. Nice 'introspective'. You translate your thoughts and experiences superbly.

  4. soul searcher...keep up the good work...!
