10 minutes to 7. Hot flat white on the table. Sydney Skyline, reflecting on the glass window. A blank expression on my face. A reluctant pen in my hand.
As time goes by, the fight will get easier. Either because you will start winning or because you`ll get too used to it. A new dawn is a new beginning, its a new chance, its a new realization. Yes, it can happen; slowly but surely. Battles are never easy, especially the ones will self. The troops might not always be ready, sometimes they are caught off guard and thrown in the battlefield. Adapt or die, a necessity in the jungle of life.
Past achievements don't mean anything. Life is a constant test. Your worth as an individual is assessed on how you handle it. You will be tested in every arena and by every one. God will test you on the basis on temptation, people will test you on the basis on relations and dreams will test you on the basis of existence.
You face the hungry lion, who sees you nothing more than flesh and bones. But the question is... what do you see? Do you see an intimidating beast through your lens of fear that can rip you to pieces or do you see an animal through your lens of superior intellect that can be tamed. Your outlook determines your destiny.
I remember having this conversation back in '08...
'One should always be ready... for everything in life', to what the reply of Professor Kashif was, 'It's not that easy, Suhail'.
'There are those who talk, and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand'.
-Khalil Gibran
Yes, I didn't understand it then. Yes, its not that easy. It takes practice. It takes constant action. It takes stepping out of your comfort zone.
In this world, we see many angels turn into monsters. They don't even realize when that transformation takes place. There's a monster in all of us. Some stronger then the other. But there's also an angel. The monster is harder to control, and the angel is harder to converse. They both don't necessarily have to be against each other. Maybe, in some cases they find a common ground. Maybe the monster's energies can be diverted towards the betterment of an individual, and maybe the lightness of the angel can improve the view of this dark yet unveiling world.