
Friday, March 9, 2012

The Zebra's Cage

Whenever I drive on the way out of the neighborhood, near the Clock Tower... I always look left while shifting to the 3rd gear. There is a series of cages... at the corner, the last one, resides a Zebra; caged in. I`ve never stopped by to look at him closely. But somehow I never miss a glimpse of him; no matter if he is in his supposed 'hut' or standing outside, alone.

The birds and the rams in the other cages are either in groups or couples. But this lad...just there...alone. Sometimes hes sitting, sometimes laying down...but most of the time I see him standing there... looking outside the cage. Sure they feed em well. Clean his cage. But I thought Zebra's weren't supposed to be isolation-minded.

In Ethics class they taught us something about giving a damn about 'Sentient Beings'. Even animals feel threatened when you behave harshly towards them, I`ve seen alotta cats and dogs, that way.  I`m no animal psychologist, I hardly can analyze my own mind... But I feel pity for this one. 

He's not with his family anymore. Heck, he's not even with his kind anymore. He is forced to do something he wasn't meant to do. Be an amusement for people. Just make people ammuse and amaze. They look at him. they look at his colors. They compliment his existence, but he's nothing more than an animal to them. 

He must be thinking, I was supposed to be running wild...running free... do what I`m supposed to do. Drink water from a stream which I choose. Rest where-ever I want. God sent me here to live the life that I wanted to live. But what am I doing? Where am I? Why am I here? No one to talk to. Sure, he can say whatever he wants to the human care-takers. But will they understand him? No. They wont understand what hes saying. 

The Zebra must be longing for love, longing for freedom, longing for association...

But for now...he's just standing there.... waiting.... and waiting... and waiting...

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