
Friday, June 24, 2011

I cant get no SATISFACTION

What a day. Just one of those days when you wish you never stepped out of the house. But when you do, the only thing you pray for is to step back in.

                                    and a man comes on to tell me

Lets take it from the top, this day is one to remember. I wake up to no electricity...I start to miss it so much that I lose my appetite and without any further consideration, suddenly I find myself smoking. An hour goes by and just realizing the fact that I`m in a load-shedded city of Rawalpindi...decide to take a shower. What's worse when the only underwear you can find in summer is a winter one?

Just when you are all ready to leave for the day ahead, you realize you just lost the house keys. hy did I take a shower, I`m still sweating as I was half an hour ago. Just when I decide to meet someone from the hood, only to find out nobody actually lives there. 

Moving on, I reach a petrol station, 'پانچ سو کا ' ..while the guy tells me to look at the meter, I`m busy wondering why Diesel is more expensive at PKR 94 than Petrol at PKR 86 in this country. 

Just when I hit 80 kmh and start to enjoy my car's new A/ when the shit really hit the fan. What followed all the way to the university was worse then Nazi torture; my car's new name is 'Mein Fuhrer'. 

But something strange happened on the way...on Rawal Road, while my car was publicly jerking off, I saw a pathan kid (around 10) crying in agony. Usually I would just ignore this but the kid was no beggar. I stopped the car near hi to test em. He kept crying and starting walking the other way. I reversed in the middle of a traffic road and got out of the car. I don't know what got into me. I walked towards em, inquired, 'Son, what happened?'. Spread my hand o his head, told him to stop crying, it`ll be alright, its fine

The kid was bare-foot in the scorching heat of 40 degrees. I brought him water, he wouldn't drink, I held his hand and told him to drink slowly. 'Bilal', when I asked his name. 'Did you eat anything?'He shook his head, I took out a 50, looking at his feet, I gave him another 15. 
'Go eat something, drink the water, go buy something for your feet, it`ll be alright, I`m gonna go take care kid'.  
My biggest achievement was making him stop crying. God, I`m still thinking about what happened. I`ve never seen this side of me. I thought maybe looking at this, the car will feel pity on me, but it kept fucking me. 'I`m exhausted', my first words when I finally made it to the university. After taking the class, I smoke the hell outta Marlboro Reds; hungry since last night, mind you. 

Dunkin Donuts is where we decide to crash. Come here, 'Egg n Cheese'... n 'Long John', wont be long enough in a while. I feel alive.

On my way back to the car, I see an elderly woman with these 6 big bags of stuff, trying to put them in a cab with a look of disgust. It hit me again. I just tell my mate, 'Hey, we should help that lady'. I just look at her, 'Excuse me, aunty... اپ کی اجازت ہو تو، ہم رکھ دیں ؟ ' Shes more than delighted. You know what she says, ' الله آپکو ہمیشہ خوش اور کامیاب رکھے'. But that's not the point, that look on her face...that honest way she smiled at me...Priceless.

It was worth more than a million bucks. 

Its Supernatural, Extra-terrestrial. Ah wheres Katy Perry when you need er? Anyways, after that, that talk with God took me home smoothly. All in all, it was memorable and evolutionary. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tonight I just feel like listening to only these two songs.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Anything is possible

Life is isn't all plan and implement, is it? 

A man can plan all day and be willing to implement it the next, but at the end of the day... its all God's will that matters. Yes, each and everyday he opens a door, and leaves it on you to decide, whether to enter it or not. That's what we call 'free will'. Sounds so attractive, these two words. But remember? All that glitters is not gold.

At this summer evening, where miraculously, a beautiful cold wind is blowing...whispers in my ears while it passes me by...
 'anything is possible'

Ah humans, so predictable.

No matter, how much I deny it, I have a love-hate relationship with summer. I hate it when it does what its known for, but I love it when it surprises me. All relationships need an element of surprise to keep it intimate... Why should it stop only on humans? I look up at the sky and it winks me with lightning. Who can feel lonliness while such flirting is going on? 

Sometimes I look back at my life and think how much I have changed. But sometimes it feels I`m the same 2 year old in a hand-sewed sweater and a head-cap. 

Fascinating, just like a plant needs water to survive, a human needs love. Right beside me is a plant who seems pretty pissed off at me because I haven't watered it for a while now. Amazingly, the bastard is still alive. Again, God's will. He wishes for some to live while call back others. 

Ah, the rain is back. I don't know whether to be thrilled or indifferent. Apparently, too many people are starting to know that I have a crush on it. 

Some places are special
because some places have memories
and some memories are special...
these places we call home.

People make a house. A family makes a home. 

Lets put the pen down for now. 

Monday, June 6, 2011


Mr. Bukhari finally has the pen in his hand, again. 

Ah, why did it take me this long to gain this feeling again? Stability, sometimes more satisfying than ecstasy. 

To be honest, life isn't always about having a 'good night', its about those sleepless nights that eventually lead to a few but valuable good nights. 

نظارے ہم کیا دیکھیں 

.Oh yes,  the best a life can get

Yes, I am at a different phase of my life. This is the time of the  year when I`m usually dried up and clueless, to be honest Spring's not been very kind either. But hey, life goes on right?

That epic battle between who you are and who you want to be goes on. Who's winning? Don't ask. In the end we all know who's gonna win. Still curious? None of them, or maybe both of them.

Should I stop here?

Guess I have to.