
Monday, December 20, 2010


The future is closer than you expect.
Time is just a formality, evolution continues.
There's no end or begninning,
there are only moments. Good or bad,
categorize them, as you may. 

The moment that I am writing, the moment when you are reading, is for us the end, but no there's a lot to come. I look around, I see faces, each of them unique in their own way. There are some I`d say yes to, some outstraight no, even never, but some maybe. I don't even want to know what I am to them. To be honest, there's a part of me, that does. Or I wouldn't be spending at least half an hour on looking sophisticated yet sexy. But it should end right there. 
Life is about giving your best and relaxing.
"Take 'tension and  confusion out of your dictionary', said by the Iqbal inspired teacher on VU. Sometimes, it just amazes me how every human being is different. You may categorize them as 'cool', 'nerdy', 'autocratic', 'fucked up', 'fun loving', 'workaholic', blah blah blah, but you`ll never find two fishes the same in this ocean.

آنکھ اٹھی محبّت نے انگری لی
دل کا سودا ہوا چاندنی رات میں 

That's the "desi-sumo" whispering in my ears right now. They say looks can be deceiving, you know what, they're damn right. Never judge a book by its cover, remember? Oh yeah, it works on this species too. 

دل لوٹ لیا ، ایمان لوٹ لیا ، انکی نظروں نے

ہاں جی, that's what I`m talking about. The weather hasn't been this perfect in a long time. Lost to confusion how the Master up there plays with us slaves like puppets, pulling the strings all the time, making us believe, we're the ones making the moves. To tell you the truth, 
"You're born alone and you die alone, this world just drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts, but I never forget."  - Don Draper.
You know that feeling, when all your life you're searching for this face, that no matter how much you look at, you never get tired. Now Mr. Bukhari raises a question, its been 23 fucking years. کہاں ہے وہ چہرہ ؟. Either its yet to come, or the theory is flawed.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Missing Puzzle

This material was written during the summer of 2010. 

It are times like these when I feel a certain 'uneasiness' that one cannot find a reason of. It can decrease and damage a person's functionality, specialty and intensity with a deep impact. Perhaps, its just a matter of time before it fades away but the question I have is do we have enough time to recover before its too late?

'Sure Life is Hard Sure time is now Just keep on believing in yourself and you`ll be winning it all in due time'.
Oh, Isam said it well. But I wish it was that easy. Words don't make a difference, actions do. I look around and its beautiful, even perfect for a while...but what is it that is lacking so much?

Dreams. Lets talk about dreams....
  • a perfect son? 
  • a good student?
  • the exquisite social-life?
  • the charismatic businessman?
  • the future savior of this land?
Where has it all gone? The guy from Rum says 'let it be, you gotta fall before you pick yourself'....and my Master continues..'pick yourself to your greatest height'. Picking up? I`m still waiting for the hand! What is this missing puzzle? Where shall I find it?

مکّے گیاں گل مکدی نا ہیں
پاویں سو سو جمعے پڑھ آیے 

Shah Ji teases me with a whisper in my ears, only if I could attend his lectures in the spiritual Lecture Rooms. No day is like the day I want, No night is how its supposed to be... Bukhari said this a year ago, "There are no two ways...either you are on this way of the other...'. Dr.   said, "No, theres a middle way". But I dis-agreed at that time... Now I know how limited I really am...
ہاں ایک یہ بات بھی ہے

We should always be open to what others have to say... You never may be helpful or downright true. 

جند کھلوتی سوچاں دے موڑ اتے
رس گیا اے چین قرار میرا
اک پسے تے کر اے سجنا دا
دوجے پاسے پرور دگار میرا 
Moving on is the only way out but it has to be kept in mind that it has to be ONE WAY. So much diversification, Bukhari? When are you going to finally settle on one direction? 
I remember that night like it just happened... The Ultimate Energy right in front of me.... Me... dirt....nothing else... but oh Bukhari, how did you forget... He is much much greater than your small little mind. Bukhari you can't deny, as much as you try...there is a relationship.... and it feels like it is only FORCE that can take control of this fire.

ایھو دل کیندا کر جاواں پہلے رب دے
 صادقہ او بن دے نے کم جتھے سب دے
فائر جا کے بوا کھڑ کاواں دلدار دا